Обновление патча 3.3.0 PTR от 16-го октября
18 октября 2009

Сайт MMO-Champion поведал об изменениях, внесённых в патч 3.3.0 PTR к World of Warcraft на этой неделе. Помимо дополнительной балансировки классов, свежая порция новведений упрощает набор репутации с рядом фракций Нордскола.
Изменения патча 3.3.0 PTR от 16-го октября

Level 1 characters no longer start with food or water in their inventory.
Classes: General
Attack: Level 1 druids, mages, priests, and warlocks will no longer start with the Attack button placed on their action bars by default.
- The following reputations have been sped up by roughly 30%:
Alliance Vanguard
Horde Expedition
Kirin Tor
Knights of the Ebon Blade
Sons of Hodir
Wyrmrest Accord
- Sons of Hodir quests now give more reputation overall.
- Top-level helm and shoulder faction-related enchants are now available as Bind-on-Account items that do not require any faction to use once purchased (they still require the appropriate faction level to purchase).
- Reputation commendations can now be purchased for 1 Emblem of Triumph each.
- Rejuvenation: The base duration on all ranks of this spell is now 15 seconds.
- Pet Leveling: Hunter pets now need only 5% of the experience a player needs to level, down from 10%.
- Blast Wave: The mana cost of this talent has been significantly reduced.
- Burning Determination: The duration of interrupt immunity granted by this talent is now 20 seconds.
- Dragon''s Breath: The mana cost of this talent has been significantly reduced.
- Firestarter: When this talent is triggered, it makes the next Flamestrike cost no mana in addition to being instant.
- Frozen Core: This talent now also causes Ice Lance critical strikes to reduce the cast time of the mage’s next Frostbolt or Frostfire Bolt by 0.4/0.7/1 seconds.
- Water Elemental: Waterbolt mana cost reduced by 80%.
- Vampiric Embrace: This ability is now provides a 30-minute buff that cannot be dispelled, instead of a target debuff and only generates healing for single-target shadow damage spells.
- Reincarnation: The cooldown on this spell has been lowered from 60 minutes down to 30 minutes.
- Earth’s Grasp: This talent now also reduces the cooldown of the Stoneclaw and Earthbind totems by 15/30%.
- Improved Reincarnation: This talent now reduces the cooldown of Reincarnation by 7/15 minutes, down from 10/20 minutes. Reincarnation cannot be used in Arenas.
- Pandemic: This talent now also increases the critical strike damage bonus of the felhunter’s Shadow Bite spell by 100%.
- Ruin: This talent now also increases the critical strike damage bonus of the imp’s Firebolt spell by 100%.
- Any party member may mark targets (this does not apply to raid groups).
- Brittle Revenants, quest creatures fought for the Sons of Hodir daily quest “Hot and Cold,” no longer cast Shield Slam.
- Glyph of Rapid Rejuvenation: This glyph allows for the druid’s haste to reduce the time between the periodic healing effects of Rejuvenation.
- Glyph of Eternal Water: This glyph allows for a summoned Water Elemental to last indefinitely, but it can no longer cast Freeze.
- Glyph of Mind Flay: This glyph now increases the damage done by Mind Flay by 10% when the target is afflicted with Shadow Word: Pain.
- Glyph of Shadow Word: Pain: The periodic damage ticks of Shadow Word: Pain now restore 1% of the priest’s base mana with this glyph.
- Glyph of Shadow: While in Shadowform, this glyph causes non-periodic spell critical strikes to increase spell power by 30%, up from 10%, of the priest’s total spirit for 10 seconds.
- Glyph of Life Tap: The effect of this glyph now has a chance of activating when Dark Pact is used.
- Glyph of Quick Decay: This glyph allows for the warlock’s haste to reduce the time between periodic damage effects of Corruption.
- Glyph of Victory Rush: This glyph now increases the critical strike chance of Victory Rush by 70%, regardless of the percentage of the target’s remaining health.