Spacebase DF-9 - Alpha 5
30 мая 2014
Студия Double Fine Productions анонсировала выпуск Alpha 5 версии стратегии-симулятора космической станции Spacebase DF-9.
Это большое обновление получило название Doctors With Boarders и обогатило боевую составляющую игры - на вашу базу теперь могут напасть рейдеры и разрушить ее. Жители же базы в свою очередь могут быть ранены или больны, поэтому для поддержания здоровья на базе появились врачи и медицинское оборудование. Специальные защитные башни помогут отбивать атаки захватчиков извне и сдерживать их продвижение внутри базы.
Также в игру были внесены множественные улучшения, усовершенствования и исправления.
Перечень изменений
Major Features / Enhancements:
Turrets can now be constructed on both the interior and exterior of your base.
Turrets fire on any hostiles the way a citizen assigned to Security duty would.
Turrets have a limited field of fire, so place them carefully.
Raiders can now enter your base via Breach Ships, which attach and drill through floors. If you can damage a Breach Ship before its crew reaches your base, you’ll face weaker resistance.
A new Malady system allows citizens to be injured and affected by illness. Illnesses can spread from person to person through direct contact or shared contact with world objects such as food replicators. Illnesses can affect different attributes, such as a citizen’s energy levels and sociability. Some illnesses require research in a Research Lab before a cure can be administered. Illnesses have randomly generated names such as Centauri Bat Mumps, Green Cough, and Neo-Australian Scaly Pox.
Citizens can now be assigned to Doctor duty. Doctors treat field injuries, scan your citizens for illnesses and treat them if a cure is known.
You can now designate rooms as Infirmary zones, where Revivabeds can be built. Doctors use these to treat advanced illnesses and remove parasite infestations.
A new Research screen allows you to track global research progress and assign different projects to specific Labs.
Citizens can be incapacitated, which prevents them from moving until a Doctor can treat their wounds.
Doctors will dispose of dead bodies by recycling them in Matter Refineries.
Antiviral Air Scrubbers can now be built in Life Support Zones. These devices reduce the chances of disease transmission in the surrounding area. Multiple devices bring this chance down further, to a non-zero minimum.
Characters can now be tagged with Beacons. Security personnel will keep watch over this person if they’re a citizen, or target them for attack if they’re hostile.
Characters can now fight in space, firing weapons and performing melee attacks.
The game’s event controller system has been overhauled, which orchestrates the timing of events such as invasions, meteor strikes, new citizens immigrating, etc. Game pacing should be improved, and difficulty should ramp over time: more dangerous events, such as large numbers of enemies with tougher weapons, will only happen later in a base’s lifetime.
When a new ship hails your base, a window no longer pops up to force a response. Instead, you receive an alert and can choose whether to respond to it or not. Likewise, the camera does not force-move to any new ships that appear.
The Windows version of Spacebase now uses the SDL2 video/audio/input library used by Broken Age, which fixes a variety of hardware compatibility issues. All versions use SDL2 for input handling now, removing dependency on the older FreeGLUT library.
The game now launches into a new pause screen, welcoming the player with a Message of the Day.
Minor Improvements:
Bug Fixes:
Known Issues: (soon to be fixed in build 5a)
Alpha 5a
Mac OSX and Linux builds are included in this. Very sorry for the delay!
Fixed: Several common crashes.
Fixed: Some turrets point the wrong way after loading a savegame.
Fixed: Shuttles don’t fly away after dropping off immigrants.
Fixed: Diseases that require cure research only occur after a very long time.
Fixed: “No Refinery” hint shows up if you only have Gamma-Class Refineries.
Fixed: The dreaded GHOST HELMET bug, in which white untextured helmets appear randomly on character heads.
Это большое обновление получило название Doctors With Boarders и обогатило боевую составляющую игры - на вашу базу теперь могут напасть рейдеры и разрушить ее. Жители же базы в свою очередь могут быть ранены или больны, поэтому для поддержания здоровья на базе появились врачи и медицинское оборудование. Специальные защитные башни помогут отбивать атаки захватчиков извне и сдерживать их продвижение внутри базы.
Также в игру были внесены множественные улучшения, усовершенствования и исправления.
Перечень изменений

Major Features / Enhancements:
Turrets can now be constructed on both the interior and exterior of your base.
Turrets fire on any hostiles the way a citizen assigned to Security duty would.
Turrets have a limited field of fire, so place them carefully.
Raiders can now enter your base via Breach Ships, which attach and drill through floors. If you can damage a Breach Ship before its crew reaches your base, you’ll face weaker resistance.
A new Malady system allows citizens to be injured and affected by illness. Illnesses can spread from person to person through direct contact or shared contact with world objects such as food replicators. Illnesses can affect different attributes, such as a citizen’s energy levels and sociability. Some illnesses require research in a Research Lab before a cure can be administered. Illnesses have randomly generated names such as Centauri Bat Mumps, Green Cough, and Neo-Australian Scaly Pox.
Citizens can now be assigned to Doctor duty. Doctors treat field injuries, scan your citizens for illnesses and treat them if a cure is known.
You can now designate rooms as Infirmary zones, where Revivabeds can be built. Doctors use these to treat advanced illnesses and remove parasite infestations.
A new Research screen allows you to track global research progress and assign different projects to specific Labs.
Citizens can be incapacitated, which prevents them from moving until a Doctor can treat their wounds.
Doctors will dispose of dead bodies by recycling them in Matter Refineries.
Antiviral Air Scrubbers can now be built in Life Support Zones. These devices reduce the chances of disease transmission in the surrounding area. Multiple devices bring this chance down further, to a non-zero minimum.
Characters can now be tagged with Beacons. Security personnel will keep watch over this person if they’re a citizen, or target them for attack if they’re hostile.
Characters can now fight in space, firing weapons and performing melee attacks.
The game’s event controller system has been overhauled, which orchestrates the timing of events such as invasions, meteor strikes, new citizens immigrating, etc. Game pacing should be improved, and difficulty should ramp over time: more dangerous events, such as large numbers of enemies with tougher weapons, will only happen later in a base’s lifetime.
When a new ship hails your base, a window no longer pops up to force a response. Instead, you receive an alert and can choose whether to respond to it or not. Likewise, the camera does not force-move to any new ships that appear.
The Windows version of Spacebase now uses the SDL2 video/audio/input library used by Broken Age, which fixes a variety of hardware compatibility issues. All versions use SDL2 for input handling now, removing dependency on the older FreeGLUT library.
The game now launches into a new pause screen, welcoming the player with a Message of the Day.
Minor Improvements:
- Improved alert interactions and visuals. High-priority alerts now pulse.
- Improved Security priority for Beacons, greatly lowering response time in some cases.
- Health, Morale, Room, and Activity lines in Citizen Inspector are now clickable links to the Stats tab, Psych Profile tab, currently occupied room, and new Action tab, respectively.
- Clicking on a citizen’s illness in the Stats tab opens the Research screen.
- Carried objects can now be dropped in space.
- Removed “bodies disappear after X seconds” behavior now that Doctors dispose of them properly.
- Research Lab tooltips show current research project, if applicable.
- Rotated the Builder job icon so it’s more distinct from the Miner job icon.
- Citizens post to Spaceface when they witness combat or a room being breached.
- Citizens post to Spaceface when they’re patrolling on Security duty.
- Un-hardcoded various UI strings to help with possible future localization efforts.
- Objects can now be built in space. Currently only turrets are allowed here.
- Objects can now be flipped about the Y-axis. Currently only turrets support this.
- Characters now use an outline effect when spacewalking behind the base instead of using the old temp purple effect.
- Improved “dead body floating in space” animation.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Game performance suffers while unpausing after having been paused for a long time.
- Fixed: Running characters move at the same speed as walking characters.
- Fixed: Modified Oxygen Recycler uses the wrong UI portrait icon.
- Fixed: Asteroid chunks can be demolished.
- Fixed: Citizens suffer the “slept on floor” morale penalty for starving.
- Fixed: Various cause of death misreportings.
- Fixed: Refridgerator 2.0 doesn’t store food.
- Fixed: Spaceface logs are stored indefinitely, created unreasonably large save file sizes.
- Fixed: Many pathfinding bugs and crashes.
- Fixed: Cursor in new base galaxy map screen is offset.
Known Issues: (soon to be fixed in build 5a)
- Sometimes meteor showers miss the base.
- Frequency of diseases requiring cure research is too low.
- Body bags vanish on load if you save while someone is carrying one.
- Broken leg shows up under “Illnesses” in Stats tab instead of “Injuries”.
Alpha 5a
Mac OSX and Linux builds are included in this. Very sorry for the delay!
Fixed: Several common crashes.
Fixed: Some turrets point the wrong way after loading a savegame.
Fixed: Shuttles don’t fly away after dropping off immigrants.
Fixed: Diseases that require cure research only occur after a very long time.
Fixed: “No Refinery” hint shows up if you only have Gamma-Class Refineries.
Fixed: The dreaded GHOST HELMET bug, in which white untextured helmets appear randomly on character heads.