Патч Incarna 1.0.1 установлен на сервер EVE
29 июня 2011

Патч Incarna 1.0.1 установлен на сервер sci-fi MMO EVE Online, сообщает официальный сайт этого проекта от исландской компании CCP Games. Это обновление, в основном, предназначено для устранения проблем, появившихся с релизом Incarna 1.0. Ознакомиться со списком изменений можно ниже.
Кроме этого, сообщается, что вчера была проведена экстренная перезагрузка Tranquility из-за возникших затруднений с отображением рынков в некоторых регионах.
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User Interface
- An issue with the scaling of the Nobel Exchange (NeX) store window has been fixed.
- An issue that occurred with the Items window when clone jumping has been fixed.
- Tabbing while in the login screen will no longer change the focus from connect to being unfocused.
- BPOs and BPCs can now be uniquely identified in cargo scanner results when scanning a ship carrying a courier package, yarrr!
- The bracket around the CQ mirror will no longer be incorrectly visible when the camera is in certain positions.
- Overview brackets, and brackets in space, will no longer be missing the right hand side for battleships and capital ships.
- The Client Update loading bar will now start at 0% instead of at 40%.
- Pressing tab to collapse windows now works in station.
- When using a text entry box that supports auto-completion the drop down menu will now correctly hide after selecting an item.
- The Corp Recruitment UI will now display the end date for advertisements.
- The Corp Recruitment UI will now expand and show recruiters.
- Fixed the Corp Recruitment UI to better handle applications for large volumes of applications. The applications have been split into a separate tab, can be sorted, and can now display more than three applications at once.
- The "reconnect to lost probes" button on the scanner is now only active if you have a probe launcher fitted.
- Added a page counter to the search results of the Agent Finder.
- You can now search for agents by both region and solar system in the Agent Finder.
- Agent levels are now easier to select in the Agent Finder.
- "Remove Solar System from Overview" option no longer appears in the right-click menu for Bookmarks.
- Resolved light flickering on ATI CrossFire enabled hardware.
- Fixed shadow rendering in the New Character Creator.
- The character creator will now load after changing character lighting and then clicking the back button.
- Resolved a crash issue when loading into the Captains Quarters.
- The Corporation "Edit Member" function has been fixed.
- The client would occasionally crash if jumping when the client was minimized. This has been fixed.
- When running full screen on the secondary monitor, the mouse will no longer jump to the primary monitor when clicking.
- Fixed a crash triggered by undocking from station.
- Fixed a minor memory leak when undocking from station.
- Fixed an issue, that on very rare occasions, could cause the camera to disconnect from the players avatar in the CQ.
- Fixed an issue, that on rare occasions, could cause the mouse cursor to not behave as expected in the CQ.
- Additional server side errors relating to the mouse controls within the CQ were fixed.
- Salvager modules will no longer receive bonuses meant for tractor beams.
- While using a Focused Warp Disruption script in a Warp Disruption Field Generator I a bubble-effect was sometimes shown for other pilots. This is no longer occurs.
- Active boosters no longer prevent clone jumping. Remember to always boost responsibly!
- An issue causing skills to not be applied to ships has now been resolved. This will be addressed in a future release. Currently you can apply a workaround which is to relog in a station or Log off in space, wait until your ship gets removed from space and then log back in.
- The Mac client will now close properly after pressing the close button on the top left of the game window.
- Resolved an issue on the Mac where an interior shader instruction didn''t take into account LOD bias.
- Fixed the Mac ILR flare issues for Caldari stations.
- Item names in the NeX store have been fixed.
- Fixed an issue where an avatar would be unable to move when undocking and redocking while sitting.
- Fixed an issue where UI buttons on balcony became active while sitting on the sofa.
- Fixed an issue where Bounty content was displayed at Stations where no Bounty Office existed.
- A typo in "Help: Combat Tactics – Working with Transversal Velocity (Pt I)" has been corrected.
- Fixed an issue with the Epic Journal not reporting the correct mission status of a completed arc.
- Fixed an issue with Voice Over not playing in step 2 of 3 in "Fitting your Ship" for the Amarr.
- Fixed an issue with the Russian localization tutorial image to point to “Set Destination” instead of “Set Waypoint”.
- Players performing the second mission of the Newbie Tutorial arc will no longer receive a faction standing hit.
- The Industry Career mission agents have been resupplied and will now provide a Miner I so you can complete the mission.
- Fixed an issue with permissions with the in-game browser causing it to crash when opening.