Torchlight 2 - Патч


Студия Runic Games выпустила патч для action-rpg игры Torchlight 2, который улучшает общую производительность и стабильность игры, а также исправляет ошибки и балансирует геймплей.

Перечень изменений  +
- Fixed Engineer armor set that was showing up as white geometry

- Additional UI performance improvements
- Additional rendering performance improvements
- Precacheing of skills, missiles, and particles to reduce the appearance of stutters the first time those assets are viewed on some machines

- Fixed a crash that could occur with a dying pet that proc''ed on save restoration

- Fixed some issues with Stormclaw bolt chaining
- Blazing Pillar will no longer give enemies the ability to burn you!
- Shockbolts and Shocking Orb can now build charge
- Fixed several non-working augment affixes
- On-Death Procs properly cool down if required (Fixes several issues where a proc ceases functioning after a period of time)
- Blade Pact and Stone Pact last for listed time

- Lore item set now has a tangle ability, instead of a nonfunctional acidrain proc
- Several affixes that work based on unit proximity can work in parallel, when they could not before

- Fixed several issues where procs could be precluded from activation
- Set bonuses based on nearby monster count work properly
- Some more multiplayer XP distribution fixes related to player/killer delta
- Can''t turn alignment on something that attaches to its master
- When a left-click skill is bound, skills won''t track a second mouse click if you click and click-away again (keeps you from pointing the wrong direction sometimes)
- Player block cap set to 75 instead of 50
- Elemental armor reduction can''t reduce armor below zero
- Champions all have 100% charm resistance
- Siege Turrets have 100% charm resistance

- Can''t prematurely activate Vyrax tower warp with teleportation
- Various minor level fixes
- Various visual updates to the Three Sisters'' Lair
- Some snow effects were not properly tagged as ''weather'' so would not disable when weather was turned off
- Tutaran trap fixes
- Alchemist can no longer be ''started'' on his third stage by rerolling, going to the next level waypoint, and back up.
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