Добавлены руководства и обучающий квест


Разработчики DOTA 2 сообщают об установке очередного еженедельного обновления на стабильные сервера игры. Добавлен первый обучающий квест для новичков, а также 7 новых наборов предметов. Также стоит отметить, что Immortal и Tournament вещи теперь можно продавать на торговой площадке Steam.

Обращаем ваше внимание на другое важное обновление - функция «Сборки героев», которая подскажет тот или иной способ развития героя в разные минуты. Эти сборки можно делать специально для себя или публиковать их в Сообществе для других игроков.

Update Notes 28.02:  
- Added Mechanics I for new players!

- Added 7 new item sets to the Dota store.
- Immortal and Tournament items can now be traded on the Steam Community Market.

- Clockwerk: Fixed Power Cogs pulling more than just heroes inside the cogs.
- Huskar: Fixed Berserker''s Blood not stacking at the proper health thresholds.
- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Mana Leak accumulating mana loss during magic immunity.
- Phantom Lancer: Fixed an issue where illusions made by a player on the other team would create uncontrollable Juxtapose illusions.
- Tusk: Fixed a case where heroes with very small collision size could escape Ice Shards.
- Tusk: Fixed a rare bug where teleporting could cause Walrus Punched units to end up in odd positions.
- Fixed various aspects of Spectral Dagger logic being dispellable.
- Fixed sometimes being revealed if your projectile hits the target after you become invisible with Shadow Blade.
- Improved TP interaction with FoW
- Fixed being able to get units stuck with Telekinesis and Vacuum around the rune area

- Added the ability to examine chests.
- Added a Game History tab to the Team Profile.
- Added checkbox for filtering Live Games to just Team games.
- You can now click on Team names in Live or Recent games to view their team profiles.
- Added a post-game Match Quality survey panel.
- Added an icon to backpack slots if that item is currently equipped.
- Fixed the courier delivery icon popping when the courier collected stash items.
- Fixed courier delivery being delayed by 0.5 seconds if there were no items to get from the stash.
- Fixed courier move orders not clearing the transfer items buff icon.
- Players can now set a custom rich presence status that can be displayed on the UI.
- Fixed Lina''s Fiery Soul buff not showing the correct cooldown if it was refreshed with 3 stacks.

- When a push is happening into a base, global desire to farm is significantly decreased.
- Fixed a case where bots far from the lane front could thrash into and out of Push Lane mode.
- Single-player bot games now run locally on the user''s machine.
- Increased reaction time by about 50% in all modes.

- Updated Arc Lightning''s visual effects and sound
- Updated Shadow Shaman''s attack sound
- Updated Ether Shock''s visual effects and sound
- Updated Mjollnir and Maelstrom visual effect.
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