Обновление от 17 января добавило режим Least Played


Разработчики DOTA 2 сообщают об установке очередного еженедельного обновления на публичные сервера игры, которое, к сожалению, не добавляет в игру нового героя. Вместо этого был введен новый игровой режим Least Played, который позволяет выбирать героев, которыми вы играли меньше всего. Таким образом игроки покинут зону комфорта и начнут экспериментировать с персонажами и связками.

Update Notes 17.01:   Added Least Played mode to matchmaking! In this mode players can only choose from a list of their least played heroes. This mode is great for learning new heroes since everyone will be on equal footing.

- Faceless Void: Fixed Backtrack working on HP Removal.
- Medusa: Mystic Snake now returns to restore you when it is blocked by Linken''s Sphere.
- Meepo: Fixed an exploit with boot selection
- Riki: Fixed an issue with Permanent Invisibility on respawning.
- Slark: Fixed Impale based stuns not getting removed by Dark Pact.
- Issuing the haste command to the courier with the new UI no longer interrupts channeling spells on the primary hero.
- Fixed an exploit allowing items to be combined from multiple owners.
- Fixed Thunderclap being purgable.
- Fixed Malefice being purgable.
- Fixed Poison Touch being purgable and its interaction with BKB
- Fixed Brewmaster''s Dispel not dealing damage to illusions.
- Fixed illusion damage interaction with other things that modify outgoing damage percentage (like Quelling Blade).
- Fixed being unable to target yourself with Force Staff if you are magic immune.
- Least Played Mode: The top 20 winning heroes for each player will be disabled. Heroes with less than 3 wins will not be disabled.

- Fixed an exploit that let you bring up the panel to repick after the game started
- The Balanced Shuffle button now shows up for all non-league private lobbies.
- Fixed Nightstalker''s darkness indicator persisting across games.
- Abandoned games are marked in the match history

- Added Drow bot.
- Added Warlock bot (and Warlock Golem bot).
- Added support for bots using unique attack modifiers to harass while laning.
- Fixed bug that was causing bots to farm for buyback much earlier than they should.
- Fixed bug that was causing some bots to get stuck when trying to use a Tango.
- Bots that are lanemates of a carry will no longer jungle during the laning phase.
- If a hero is already jungling during the laning phase, additional bots will not jungle.

- Added Import Courier and Import Ward.
- Added support for animations and attachment points.
- Added Quicksave & Quickload import buttons to make it easy to redo a previous import.
- Added Centaur Warrunner, Batrider, Mirana, Keeper of the Light, Shadow Demon, and Slark to the Hero list (and http://www.dota2.com/workshop/requirements).
- Preview now allows you to add multiple cosmetic items onto the preview Hero.
- Preview now has a Portrait camera view.
- Preview now allows you to select a skin on models with multiple skins.
- Preview now visualizes attachment points on models that require attachments to be valid.
- Improved validation of polygon and bone count of submitted models.
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