Space Engineers - В игре появился режим выживания и не только
14 марта 2014

Разработчики космического сэндбокса Space Engineers выпустили одно из самых больших обновлений для игры на сегодняшний момент.
Обновление "Survival Mode" добавляет в игру режим выживания, который даст игрокам возможность бросить вызов суровым условиям существования в космическом пространстве.
Новый режим разрабатывался с лета 2013 года и содержит в себе множество нововведений и усовершенствований.
Перечень изменений

- survival mode (manual building, death, re-spawn)
- new game scenarios: Crashed Red Ship, Two Platforms, Lone Survivor, Asteroids
- ore detector block
- ore detector in hand drill
- new custom world screen
- new assembler screen
- world generator change: most asteroids have iron core
- assembler can be switched to disassembling mode
- new assembler production queue hotkeys: Ctrl+click (adds stack of 10) and Shift+click (adds stack of 100)
- placing new ship block - now you can place a landing gear which can be attached to any surface instead of a light armor block cube
- reduced electricity production and consumption
- reduced uranium consumption
- reduced available uranium after starting a new game
- block info in Cube Builder screen and when placing a new block in Survival
- explosives component
- new music and sounds
- changed tools animations
- floating objects can be destroyed
- HUD is now more legible
- balanced materials required for assembling components
- changed mass and volume of some components and tools
- changed ore and ingot display unit from volume to mass
- Join game screen (contains a list of games which the player can join)
- game runs in window mode when it is unable to run in full screen
- character can now walk on a ship when it’s flying in max speed
- inventory names now show the name of the block
- improved explosion performance
- improved 3rd person camera performance
- fixed symmetry mode
- fixed few sounds
- fixed friend games in join game screen
- fixed ore movement
- fixed crash when creating particle effect
- fixed crash when using symmetry mode
- fixed few typing errors
- fixed chat and gravity window overlapping
- fixed crashes in landing gears
- fixed color/texture of ore
- fixed copy/paste issues
- fixed small ship drill blind spot
- fixed doors spinning on rotors
- fixed passage collision model
- fixed asteroid collision shape in large worlds
- fixed landing gear synchronization in MP
- reduced number of additional asteroids in Easy Start 2
- fixed character''s backpack in MP
New sounds
- assembler (idle, processing)
- door
- gravity generator
- medical room (idle, healing)
- refinery (idle, processing)
- reactor
- rotor
- landing gear
- grinder and welder
- construction and deconstruction sounds for survival
- HUD failure (inventory full, not enough material)
Обучающее видео

(c) Goha.ru
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